Hawaiian Wildfires

Hawaiian Wildfires: The Red Cross Remains on Maui to Assist Those Affected

Since Hawaii’s wildfires struck havoc three weeks ago, the American Red Cross has been devotedly working to offer kind and impartial help to individuals who are attempting to rebuild their lives.

These wildfires have caused significant hardship and devastation for the Maui locals. Assistance programs for the afflicted populace in Hawaii have just begun. The Red Cross is steadfastly devoted to supporting the neighborhood during this difficult time. This commitment includes providing safe housing, nutritious food, and emotional support to individuals who cannot return home.

Over 39,000 Maui and Oahu residents have received emergency shelter and hotel accommodations from the Red Cross and county administration. The Hawaii Emergency Management Agency and FEMA are housing evacuated people in hotels. While long-term plans are being developed, this temporary measure gives families and people a cozy and safe location to live near to their neighborhood.

The Red Cross provides meals, specialized help, and emotional support to these families and people during their hotel stay. Call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) for hotel emergency room information.

  • The Red Cross collaborates to give food, medical, mental, and spiritual care. These initiatives are intended to support families and individuals as they start their road to recovery.
  • Since the fires initially started, over 670 highly trained Red Cross disaster responders have either gone to Hawaii or provided remote assistance.
  • Working alongside our partners, we’ve managed to deliver nearly 213,000 meals and snacks to individuals facing difficult circumstances.
  • A key initiative of the Red Cross involves operating a Family Assistance Center at the Hyatt Regency in Kaʻanapali on Maui.
  • This center serves as a hub where people can access essential necessities like food and water. Moreover, it provides a supportive environment for emotional and spiritual care, offers health services, assists with casework, furnishes updates from authorities, and aids in reconnecting with loved ones.
  • In addition, the Red Cross is working with government agencies to reconnect families and find missing people. Over 2,900 of nearly 3,000 welfare information requests have been answered.
  • Our first evaluations show that approximately 3,000 homes have been destroyed or severely damaged.

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