Lopsided Smile

Lopsided Smile Causes, Treatment, And Every Information About Lopsided Smile 

An Lopsided Smile, where one side of your mouth might be a bit different from the other, is actually quite normal. Very few people have perfectly symmetrical faces. But, if your smile suddenly becomes noticeably crooked, it could indicate a medical issue, and sometimes, it might even be a cause for immediate concern. There are numerous potential explanations for why a smile might become crooked, and fortunately, most of them are not serious. However, if this transformation occurs unexpectedly, it is imperative to get medical attention immediately.

In this article, we will look at the many causes of crooked smiles, the significance of a sudden lopsided grin, and when it is crucial to seek medical attention.

Lopsided Smile Causes

When your smile appears crooked, it can signal various underlying problems, such as issues with your teeth, nerve damage, or even a stroke. Typically, these different causes come with additional signs beyond just the uneven smile.


When the blood flow to the brain is interrupted, often as a consequence of a blood clot or a burst blood vessel, a serious medical emergency known as a stroke occurs. One of the frequent stroke after effects is facial and bodily paralysis, which may make it difficult to speak clearly and even result in an asymmetrical or crooked smile.

It is critical to seek medical attention immediately away if you or someone you are with displays any symptoms or indications of a stroke. The likelihood of developing long-term problems may be considerably reduced by seeking quick treatment.

Bell’s Palsy

This kind of facial weakness or paralysis impacts just one side of your face. You might notice certain symptoms around your mouth, like one corner of your mouth drooping and the smile line (the fold between your nose and corner of your mouth) disappearing. Additionally, the forehead, eyelid, and cheek on that side of your face could feel weaker too.

Bell’s palsy often begins to manifest within a few hours and then becomes worse over the course of many days. It begins getting better after a few weeks and may take anywhere between three and six months to go back to normal.

Uncertainty surrounds the specific etiology of Bell’s palsy. Fortunately, it often improves on its own, and in some cases, taking oral steroids might help speed up the recovery process.

Facial Paralysis

Damage to the nerves or muscles can lead to a loss of strength or even paralysis in facial movements.

Apart from conditions like Bell’s palsy, stroke, and nerve injuries, there are a few other factors that can contribute to weakness in the face:

  • Myasthenia gravis: This is a situation where the immune system gets confused and targets the receptors necessary for activating muscles.
  • The immune system unintentionally damages the protective myelin coating that protects neurons in the brain, spinal cord, and eyes in the disease known as multiple sclerosis.
  • The nerves in charge of controlling motion are the focus of the disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Understanding these potential causes helps shed light on the complexity of facial weakness and how it can arise from various sources.

Uneven Teeth 

A lot of folks naturally have teeth that are slightly or moderately uneven. Usually, this doesn’t lead to a crooked smile that’s easily noticeable. However, there are cases where teeth can be naturally quite uneven or become seriously misaligned because of dental issues like tooth decay. When this happens, it can make a smile look crooked.

Misaligned Jaw

When your jaw isn’t aligned properly, it can lead to issues like an excessive overbite, underbite, or a general lack of harmony between your upper and lower teeth. This not only affects how you bite and chew but also results in an imbalanced smile.

Additionally, misalignment can occur if the jaw experiences damage from things like accidents or diseases, including cases where conditions like cancer affect the bone.


In some cases, surgery could unintentionally harm the nerve branches that manage the movements of the mouth. This situation might arise when surgery becomes essential to remove a tumor or abscess that has encroached upon the facial nerve. There are also instances where surgical mistakes could accidentally lead to the cutting of a nerve or one of its branches.


Collagen, a protein that maintains our skin tight and lush, tends to thin down and disappear in the skin around our mouths as we age. Along with this, our face’s muscles might weaken and start to droop, and with time, the jawbone may also start to decrease. All of these changes combined can contribute to an uneven or imbalanced look in our facial appearance.


Engaging in smoking can result in wrinkles and skin that sags around the mouth, ultimately leading to a smile that’s not quite even.

Smoking may also contribute to the development of severe conditions including oral cancer, gum disease, and tooth decay. These issues may affect your smile’s balance and beauty in addition to having an effect on your dental health.


When the face experiences an injury, it’s possible for the nerves, muscles, bones, and other tissues to get affected. Swelling can also become quite noticeable. All of this can result in a smile that appears uneven and the face taking on an imbalanced look.

As time passes and the swelling subsides, along with the completion of the healing process, there’s a chance that the face and smile will partially or even fully regain their normal appearance. However, in cases of severe trauma, a crooked smile might stick around for the long haul.


Torticollis is a type of movement disorder that triggers involuntary spasms and twisting of the neck – it’s not something done intentionally. Those muscles can contract and twist for extended periods, and sometimes this can lead to a smile that appears crooked. This condition might be there right from birth and could be linked to specific birth defects.


If your biological parents have uneven facial features and a crooked smile, there’s a chance you might inherit similar genes. This can increase the likelihood of you also having an uneven smile.

Sudden Lopsided Smile

An unexpectedly lopsided smile may be a sign of a stroke, a brain aneurysm (a bulge in the artery wall), or an infection. This may take many hours to manifest. Rarely, a recent lopsided grin that is becoming worse quickly may indicate the presence of a tumor, cancer metastasis (the spreading of cancer), or a seizure (uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain).

When to See a Healthcare Provider

Get medical help immediately away if your face or mouth suddenly feels numb or if your movements look off. 

The following signs of an uneven grin need immediate medical attention: 

  • An unexpectedly bad headache
  • A side of the body that is weak
  • Loss of equilibrium
  • Vision alters 
  • Sideways sagging of the face 
  • Unsteady speech 
  • Traumatic harm
  • Increasing facial or neck swelling 
  • Uncontrollable facial motions 
  • Facial or neck spasms 
  • Either eye discomfort or an infection 

How to Fix a Lopsided Smile

The best technique to correct a lopsided grin is to identify the root reason and obtain the necessary care.

No Treatment

If your crooked grin is the result of heredity and asymmetry in nature, you may not require therapy. 

If the symptoms are brought on by a transient ailment, such facial palsy, they should progressively get better on their own within a few weeks to months. To hasten recuperation, physicians could advise oral steroids.

Dental Treatments

An orthodontist could suggest braces or jaw surgery to straighten crooked teeth or an out-of-place jaw. In situations of gum disease or tooth decay, dentists may advise restorative procedures such as fillings, root canals, and crowns.

Emergency Treatments

In the event of a medical emergency like a stroke or serious face injuries, doctors provide urgent treatment to lower the chance of long-term consequences. This might include treatments like surgery for face damage or blood thinners for certain kinds of strokes. 

Physical Therapy

Doctors may advise physical treatment to regain face muscle strength and symmetry after a stroke, facial injury, or nerve paralysis. 

Exercises for the face that focus on the damaged jaw muscles may be used as part of physical therapy. Rehabilitation using specialist tools, such as a neuromuscular electrical stimulator, may also be a part of it.


A misaligned jaw may be improved by surgery. Additionally, it may heal wounds, restore facial muscles and nerves, and correct asymmetry in the lower face. 

The facial structures may be repaired by a qualified plastic surgeon using muscle transfers as well as nerve and tissue grafts. To make your smile more uniform, they could also recommend cosmetic alternatives like a lip implant.


A brief injection of Botox (botulinum toxin) may temporarily relax some face muscles. It is often used to address wrinkles and fine lines. 

However, it may also be used to gently raise the mouth and alleviate lopsidedness brought on by muscular contractions or spasms.

Final Words

It may be a result of heredity, dental problems, smoking, age, or other concerns.

Treatment may not be required if a lopsided grin is natural or results from a transient ailment like Bell’s palsy, depending on the underlying reason. Braces, Botox injections, and surgical intervention are further therapeutic possibilities. 

Physical treatment may be required to assist rectify facial asymmetry, muscular tone, and strength if a stroke victim has an uneven grin.

Whatever the reason for a crooked grin, regular dental exams are crucial to preserving oral health. Your dentist may also evaluate how your smile has changed over time and warn you of any possible problems.

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