Event Production Trends

Top 10 Guideline for Event Production Trends You Can’t Ignore in 2024

The advancements have altered the event production trends to a greater extent. Isn’t it? 

The events are about more than just gathering people in the hall. Rather, the dynamics have completely changed. As the UK market’s event industry is growing fast, production companies are more keen on details about making an event memorable. For this purpose, a thoughtful consideration of the market’s latest trends is essential. 

The event production is also expected to make $139.9 billion, with a 5% CAGR until 2032. These statistics necessitate the production companies to gear up with market trends to make every event distinct and successful in its own way.

 Moreover, everybody wants a successful event to illuminate their place in the market, but showcasing the real value through the event requires blood and sweat. 

So, if you want to brighten up your event with production trends, this post is for you!

The Guidelines For Event Production Trends 

  1. Reflect the company’s glamour –Event personalisation

As the event industry is rising every year, the value an event holds also changes significantly. As events are more centered on catering to the audience’s needs, they need to be highly customized. 

The true glamour of a company is truly depicted through the quality of the event. For this reason, it requires to consider the minute details to showcase the real value. For example;

  • The company
  • Its role in the market
  • Its persona 

The more personalise your event, the more successful it will be. According to market research, over 55% of event producers rely on the company’s personalised data for event personalisation.  

  1. Make it visually aesthetic

No matter how formal an event is, if it’s not visually delightful, its audience will be uninterested shortly. It is important to understand human psychology while searching for event venues and layouts. 

Additionally, there are a few things to keep in mind when intending to create a visually aesthetic event:

  • Space size
  • Sitting layout
  • Color scheme
  • Ambience
  • Social activities
  • Picture booths 
  • Type of event  

People are always attracted to the things that are appealing at a glance. Apart from this, the venues are important in making an event aesthetic. It is essential to understand the nature of the event while choosing a venue. Here are some examples;

  • Botanical garden/ art galleries– preferred for social groups or events
  • Libraries/historical places/conference rooms– for educational meetings
  • Conference centres– formal and business-related events
  1. Hybridise the mode of event

Though the pandemic has ended, the hybrid mode of events is still trending—the reason for trending lies in the ease for attendees, which leads to a successful event.

More than 70% of businesses are into the hybrid mode of events, as it is accessible to a wider audience through physical and virtual mediums. 

  1. Immerse technology in events

Undoubtedly, technology is the trendsetter, and its impact is visible in the event trends for 2024. The inclusion of AR(augmented reality) and VR(virtual reality) is a boon to upgrading event quality. 

Additionally, it augments the engagement through interactive technology that gives real-world simulation. The more flawlessly an event operates on technology, the more high-end experience it offers to its audience. 

  1. Consider the importance of on-demand content 

In the hustle of daily life, people are always short of time, which results in the decline of attendees. People can’t manage to attend the whole event, whether virtual or physical. So, increasing on-demand content will be an event trend for 2024. 

Additionally, attendees find it convenient to consume the content according to their requirements. Moreover, it enables the audience to pause, resume, rewatch, and move forward and backward to gain the desired information. 

Besides, it keeps the recorded content saved and updated online, further engaging people in the long run. 

  1. Bring the sponsors under the spotlight

There is always a fair share of sponsors in making events successful. As events are expensive to conduct, sponsors act as resource providers. Besides focusing on the main event, giving some spotlight to the sponsors is also important. 

Moreover, as the trend in the event industry is evolving over time, sponsors are getting visible places in the events to promote their businesses. 

  1. Follow smart and cost-effective approaches

According to the event market, the cost per attendee has jumped from $160 in 2022 to $175 in 2024. As prices increase, event organisers and production companies need to switch to cost-effective means of hosting an event. 

Additionally, combating the rising prices is possible by shifting from expensive to budget-friendly alternatives to save costs. 

  1. Give the authentic and local experience

Though the event industry progresses, the inclination towards a local and real experience is still in demand. People like to feel they belong to their culture and local experiences. For this reason, introducing local cuisines and culture-produced activities and sponsoring local businesses is a great way to increase engagement. Additionally, it adds local yet real zeal to the event venue. 

  1. Operate on sustainable and eco-friendly practices  

As global warming is becoming vulnerable with every passing year, the UK government encourages companies to adopt sustainable practices. Additionally, using eco-friendly technology and sustainable practices proves a sense of global citizenship in companies. 

To foster a sense of environmental protection, event production companies following the ESG(environment, social, and governance) are a big “YES” compared to other event production companies. 

  1. Add some spice through AI and management software 

Undoubtedly, AI and management software have revolutionized every industry, and the same goes for the event production market. With the help of management software, it is easier for organizers to manage speakers, mics, and attendees’ seats flawlessly. 

There is no doubt that it is going to top the event trends of 2024. Moreover, it simplifies the arrangement and access to information without making errors and glitches. 

Wrap up

Understanding the strenuous efforts to make an event engaging and successful is no piece of cake. As the event production industry grows, event personalisation defines the success of an event. Ultimately, it requires following the event’s latest trends. 

To set a new standard for your event, EMS Events brings a harmonious look to craft your event innovatively. If you want to make your event grand and unforgettable, EMS Events is just a click away! 

Keep an eye for more valuable insights on more events & trends details that will be held in 2024 on only Hint.

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