Are Sharks Blind? How Do Sharks See?

Are Sharks Blind? How Do Sharks See?

Are Sharks Blind? Are Sharks Blind have long been perceived as formidable predators with limited vision due to the absence of eyelids, a misconception dating back to ancient times. Some believed that sharks couldn’t see their prey’s blood, contributing to this myth. However, recent research has debunked this notion, shedding light on the true capabilities…

Keeping Celebes Rainbowfish: Care Guide for Aquatic Marvels

Keeping Celebes Rainbowfish: Care Guide for Aquatic Marvels

The Celebes Rainbowfish (Marosatherina ladies) is a member of the Melanotaeniidae family and is known by various names, including sail-fin silverside rainbowfish. It is the smallest species among the rainbow family. The term “Marosatherina” is a combination of “Myros,” the name of the village where the fish was first discovered, and “Atherina,” which refers to…

Walking Wonders: Exploring the Fascinating World of Fish with Legs

Walking Wonders: Exploring the Fascinating World of Fish with Legs

While studying fish anatomy in school, did your teacher ever mention anything about fish having legs or the existence of walking fish? Typically, we associate fish with not having legs. Since fish live in water, we’ve been taught they don’t have legs. However, the world is full of secrets, and certain fish with legs and…